Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Been A Rough One Folks!

I'm going to pray that some grace will be extended for the past few days of not writing down one single item that went into my mouth. I know that there were undoubtedly a few things I "shouldn't" have eaten, mostly because of the amount of calories they contained, but I didn't go overboard and hog wild. I was just simply too busy to have ANY order to my eating OR my journaling. The wedding (my niece got married this weekend) was sweet, the reception, food, cake, etc was well received, and I did a whole lot of NOTHING yesterday! It was nice.


I'm focused and back on track this morning, ready for a new week. :) I had a breakfast full of protein, and my morning snack held a lot of protein as well. I've already been through 48oz. of water, and I'm working on my next bottle full. This way I'll be ready for my workout, postponed from this morning to this afternoon.

I'm ready! Look out world! Here I come! :)

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