Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Focus

Romans 12

Living Sacrifices

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

My strength is not my own. My determination is not my own. My success is not my own.

All Glory and Honor and Praise is YOURS God. I am so incredibly thankful.

It's so easy to be lazy. But hard work and determination always pay off and the rewards are more than we could ever really realize.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Upcoming goals! and The Greatest Thriver contest is coming to an end...

...and while it makes me sad that I won't have the assured times of meeting together with my fellow Thrivers, this is a small town we live in folks! We'll see each other!

I have two more specific goals set for the next several months. I want to be down 2 more sizes by August, and I have two....not one, but TWO 5K runs I am going to participate in!! And I am NOT a runner! But I will be! One is the first week of August and the second one is in October. A friend asked me if I wanted to do it and at first I was apprehensive, but when I stopped to think about it, I realized....I CAN DO THIS!!! It's only 3 miles!

Next thing ya know, I'll be doin' a mini! ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009


That's what I find my blogging comes in....waves. It really isn't an indication of how I'm doing, it's an indication of how busy my life is....and my priorities. Sorry...the blog is pretty far down on the list right now. And it's also about how creative I'm feeling, and I'm really not feeling the writing thing. Odd, because I'm DEFINITELY a talker! ;)

I've finally hit my 30 lbs off mark. BUT....I'm working, day by day, to NOT get caught up with the NUMBER! It's just a NUMBER! A number does NOT define me. The smaller sizes help me indicate more of how I'm doing. The way I FEEL is how I can tell how I'm doing. I'm making a point to stay focused on my goals....each and EVERY day. This is COMPLETELY becoming a lifestyle change for me. A LIFE change. It isn't a contest for me anymore. I just needed The Greatest Thriver to give me a kick start and an accountability and a good long look at how I was living with my addiction to food. Yep! I said ADDICTION! And I'm kickin' that addiction to the curb! And like most addictions, I have to CHOOSE to make the right choices and sometimes I fall....but the difference at this time in my life is that I get RIGHT back on and move FORWARD...not back.

Be TRUE to yourself. By making excuses you aren't hurting anyone but yourself. CHOOSE to live a healthy, guilt-free lifestyle of eating.....I am, and it sure is paying off!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A New Fire!

I think a new fire has been lit under me! Do you have ANY idea what 22 people, an instructor with a mic on, and an incredible atmosphere can do for a gal in the middle of a spin class that she's never tried once in her life?? :) Let me tell was a solid hour of nothin' but S.W.E.A.T! And it felt GOOOOOOD!! :)

I'm on vacation in Tennessee...visiting some wonderful friends, and it just so happens that only a short 3 minute drive from their house brings you to the most amazing fitness complex I've ever seen or experienced. It's called The Rush. Check out their website... It truly is a RUSH of adrenaline, energy, excitement, etc.

I'm indulging a little bit once in a while, but still making very wise choices and trying to get in a lot of water....this week, the workouts aren't the issue! :) I'm praying to keep last weeks momentum up, as I lost 6 lbs in one week....I have a specific goal in mind for the week of Easter, and that's only a week and a half away! Staying away from the chocolate bunnies and Reeces eggs! LOL!

I'm off once again to work out...I pray each of you find your groove and know deep within your heart that you're SO worth every calorie you're counting and every drop of sweat you're sweating!


Saturday, March 28, 2009


It's spring break, and the computer is goin' with us, so I promise on some of my down time this week, I'll update! :) It's ALL good!! I've found my fire again, just like in the beginning of this journey. I have fun things to share and maybe a little insight too, of things I'm realizing along this journey called "getting healthy"! :)


check back soon!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Plan

Sticking with "The Plan", I'm going to post my workout schedule...ya'll ask me, challenge me, keep me accountable...please! ;)

teach water aerobics in morning (cardio)
weight resistance in evening

5:30am cardio workout

teach water aerobics in morning (cardio)
weight resistance in evening

5:30am cardio workout

5:30am cardio workout AND weight resistance

Occasional Saturday morning spring and summer approaches, cardio will be OUTSIDE on these days! (Oh Lord, please let this be soon!!)

Okay, so it is written!! LOL! If it's on the blog, does that mean stone?


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I realize it's been two months since updating my Thriver Journey blog. That's because I've been in a rut. Not motivated. Not excited. Not disciplined. But today is the beginning of a new plan and execution!!

I started a new job, and because I'm at that job through lunchtime, rather than go down the road and get something unhealthy to eat at a local fat food joint, and because I haven't been managing my morning time well enough, I don't pack a lunch and I just skip it all together some days. New plan: keep healthy snacks handy in the morning so I can grab a few of them, throw them in my bag and just go. Healthy snacks (an apple, granola bar, dry cereal, nuts, etc) every couple of hours through the day is better than not eating at all.

Because I started the new job, my workout times have had to be severely adjusted. So I've been making excuses a lot, and just been going to the gym, in the evenings, 3 days a week. If I'm going to hit my goals and move the fat off this body, I MUST work out 5 days a week....NO.MORE.EXCUSES!

Needless to say, this re-evaluation came from my weigh-in today. I HAVEN'T gained a pound! But I haven't lost any either...

Re-evaluate, Re-commit, Plan and execute!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

17 weeks of changing habits

The "experts" (whoever THEY are) say that it takes 21 days to change a habit. I've been on this journey for 17 weeks...that's 119 days. I think they need to factor in a lot more than I have been.

Take, for instance, holidays. When you're trying to make better eating & exercise "habits", a holiday thrown in here or there just might make a difference. Another "wrench" that can be thrown in the "changing habits" mix is birthdays...and bronchitis!! In other words.....LIFE HAPPENS!

My habits haven't changed so much that I can resist temptation and focus 24/7 on exercise and healthy eating, but that's what this is all's a JOURNEY. I'm not sure when I'll reach my destination, or if I ever will...but I'll keep going forward and pray that with each passing day, my habits are changing.

I grabbed this from an article I was recently reading about changing habits...

Think "half full" and take these steps to help you change your behavior:

1. Pinpoint the habit you want to change and analyze it. When and where do you do it? Why do you do it? Be specific about how you do it.

2. Describe what you'd like to do instead. Be specific. Write it down.

3. Develop a new routine that will help your new habit take root. You may need to change your environment, if possible.

4. Be consistent. Remember, you'll need to practice the new behavior every day for 21 days. Skipping a day and thinking "just this once won't matter" will lead you to failure. When you stray from the new habit, you don't pick up where you left off. You start over! And the more often you start over, the more difficult it will be to succeed.

5. Ask for help. This is hard to swallow for some. But if you're honest with yourself, you rarely make significant achievements without the support of others. Choose wisely. You'll need to trust those people and be sure they will tell you want you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

To date, I've lost 23 lbs and 18 3/4 inches in 17 weeks. I'm proud of that. BUT....I'm feeling better, my bronchitis is 99.9% gone, the holidays are past for another year, and peanut butter rice krispy treats with chocolate icing are from birthdays past, so GAME ON!!!!!, what about SuperBowl Sunday!?!? ;)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Small setback

Well, maybe not a setback, but I little stall in my exercise...

All due to a pretty severe case of bronchitis I'm battling right now. UGH!

Walking up and down my stairs here at home make me lose my breath, and then cough, and then cough some more....

So, while I'm sticking with the healthy eating for now, much more than a simple walk around the house is out for me.

I've heard from Tammy, Greg,
and Linda on their journeys of getting healthier...tell me how YOU'RE doing!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

...sneaking in....

HELLO!!! :::echo::: I know.....I know......I've failed miserably at blogging!!!

I've accepted it and moved you do the same. ;)

The past few weeks haven't been bad at all, they've just been overly busy and a little bit stressful. I haven't done horrible in my eating, but I have failed in the food journal category, so I'm sure I could have done much better.

I'm down a total of 23 lbs from September almost 4 months. We have 4 more months on this particular "monitored" journey, so I'm shooting for at least 25-30 more off by the end of May.

I've started teaching water aerobics and I'm not sure I could love it any more than I already do! It's a blast! And all my fears and anxiety and feelings of inadequecy were dispelled the first week that I taught. The ladies in the class are AWESOME! and so incredibly encouraging, for which I'm mighty mighty grateful. I'm looking forward to having a long "employment" there and keeping this up even after my Greatest Thriver journey ends. :)

I've had Mike take another pic of me tonight, just so I could continue to monitor my progress in pictures. I'm obviously not going to be vain, because I'm showing you these non-makeup, non-hairdo pictures!...

September 08

January 09

I'll doll myself up soon and take some better pictures. HAHA!

Oh, and I almost forgot to post some of the best news....we did measurements this week! I've lost a TOTAL of 18 3/4 inches!!! OH MY GOSH! I KNEW my butt was smaller! ;)