Monday, October 6, 2008

Music is good for the soul...and for the workout!

Working out is fun for some, difficult for others, boring for yet others....but I've found that the music I listen to really has an impact on how I feel about exercising. It truly does make the time go faster and motivates me to push through to the end.

I just have to remember that I have earbuds in and I really shouldn't sing out loud....


I currently have a mix of my favorite worship songs on my iPod, but I'm going to change it up each week to give myself some variety...such as the playlist here on my blog!

What is your favorite music/songs to work out to?



Greg C said...

The gym that I go to has tv's on the running machines and they actually play music video's at 5 am. I mean it, real video's on VH1. Imagine that. Anyway I have a few favorites but my newest favorite video is "What about Now" by Daughtry. It isn't particularly fast or upbeat but the topic inspires me to push on and really give it my all. I wish they played more inspirational music. I would love to work out to "God with us."

Greg C said...

I almost forgot. I am down 6 lbs and I am hurting a little today as well but I feel great.

tammy said...

I love anything with a nice fast beat and words that I can understand! ;) Oh, yeah...must remember to not start singing out loud.

Lori said...

Kim, first I want to say how excited I am for you! What an incredible experience to be a part of--I envy you that. And to have Laurie as a personal coach is just the best. I know you are going to do well--you need to post before, during, and after pics. You know, some of us live hours and hours away and can't see your progress for ourselves... :(

As for your question, definitely music with a good, fast beat. The particular genre depends on my mood--I am all over the place musically. Today may be one type, tomorrow could be completely different.

I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing about your progress. Have a great workout today. :)