Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Good Night's Sleep

I'm finding it more and more crucial that I get a good night's sleep in order to function well the next day. I knew this before, but as I'm changing my diet and working out each day, it's essential for my energy level. I'm going to have two particular goals this week...along with working out, and eating right. Making SURE I get all the water I need, and going to bed early every matter what I'm going to miss on TV. (I can always watch it later online, right?) I drink water most all the time now (except for my morning coffee), but I need to increase my intake especially on weight resistance days. My muscles rebelled a little bit yesterday and it HURT! UGH!

Set a goal or two per week and focus on them! What would your's be?

Headed to the gym now!


tammy said...

You read my goals on my blog...but I am finding the ones that I am currently working on are going to take longer then a week to get them licked. It is tough and tiring work just to get enough water and fruits & veggies in your diet. At least, that is what I am struggling with! ;)

I am also going to have to work on the getting to bed earlier thing,too.

Christy R said...

Hey, I saw your link on Paige's wall. What an awesome opportunity. Sleep is a big thing for me, too. I can tell when I'm not getting enough.

Keep up the good work!