Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My workout schedule

Tammy asked about my workout schedule...I guess that would be some helpful information, huh? ;) If ya'll ever have any questions or challenges for me, bring them on! ;)

The company my husband works for recently put in a fitness park on their work grounds. This is for all employees and their families. It has a walking track and outdoor fitness machines.

The Greatest Thriver program provides personal training at two different facilities for the participants of the program. I am working out at Health Ridge. (this is where my personal trainer, Laurie, is also)


Mondays: I'll be doing one hour of walking at the fitness park.
Tuesdays: Meet with Laurie and do cardio and weight resistance for one hour at Health Ridge.
Wednesdays: One hour of walking/fitness machines at fitness park.
Thursdays: One hour of cardio and weight resistance at Health Ridge.
Fridays: One hour of cardio at Health Ridge.
Saturdays: One hour of cardio and weight resistance at Health Ridge.

Only on Tuesdays will I be meeting with Laurie to talk about my week, weigh, etc., but she and her intern are there every day. And let me also say, Amber, Laurie's intern is wonderful as well! She and Laurie are SO encouraging, and the rest of the staff are as well.

That about sums it up for now. As I get further into the program, we'll be changing this up a bit, but this is our plan for right now. :)

And if I have one bit of advice for you, it would be to exercise with a smile on your face! :)



tammy said...

Oh, I hear you about the smile on the face! It makes it a little easier. (a very little!!LOL) I am going to have to start walking again now that it is cooler around here. (no more excuses!) You are motivating me, girlie!!

You won't believe this, though....we got a Wii this past weekend and just from bowling on there I rediscovered a few muscles that have been a little too dormant. Yeah, I like to actually move, swing and dip while I play. (dh just stands still and moves his arm...whatever!) Anyway...I just played a game with Kristin and pulled something in my hip. I KNOW it's gonna hurt tomorrow. I can't believe I am going to be laid up due to a "wii injury"!! ;)

Greg C said...

My new plan is cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and weight training on Tuesday and Thursday. Sunday I will take a walk with my wife early in the morning. I smile all the time. This morning, I changed up a bit because I am taking tomorrow off. I ran two miles and then worked on the some other machines. All this at 445 am.

Kim said...

Greg: UGH! 4:45AM??? I'm a morning person, but not THAT much of a morning person! Good grief man! ;) And I'm definitely not a runner. Well, at least not yet. And I'm not sure I ever will be with my knees...but I sure am enjoying my workouts. Keep up the good work! We'll all be motivated together.

Tammy: You made me a little teary. ;) I am thrilled that I can motivate you! Seriously, if I can do this, ANYONE can! ;)

"I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite." :)

Fischer said...

Good for you. Let me know if i can help you in any way. I will be praying!