Sunday, October 19, 2008

...And What A Week It's Been!!

It's been a busy, good, sad, challenging, triumphant week. But all in all, in terms of my Thriver Journey, it's ended on a good note.

My greatest challenges this week were making sure I got all the veggies and fruits I need while still on the run constantly. So that's going to be my focus this next week. I was feeling really wiped out and tired on Friday morning, and really did NOT want to go work out. I TRULY am thankful for the accountability I feel this program holds me to, otherwise I would have seriously made some excuses this week. It's a day by day, sometimes moment by moment process. But once I got to the gym every day, and pushed through the exercise, I left feeling triumphant every time. ;)

My BP was COMPLETELY normal this week...even with some stress I was feeling early on in the week...and I lost another 3 lbs., so I'm forging ahead on my journey! I'm excited to see where I'll be in a year, but not focusing on the that. Praying that in the end, the glory of it all goes right back to God.

On a lighter note, I wanted some chocolate we got a small bag of m&ms and I divided them into 4 snack bags. 26 m&ms have 55 calories. ;)

1 comment:

tammy said...

Is your thriver journey a year long? If long is it? :) (enquiring minds want to know...well, at least this one does!) Way to go on pushing yourself to workout even when you didn't want to. That is a big plus for having this accountability. I struggle with getting enough fruits and veggies, too. Keep pushing, girlie! You are inspiring!!!