Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mid-week Update!

Hello out there to those of you who are still following me on this journey!'s only been 3.5 weeks...ya'll are gonna get really tired of me at the end of 8 months. :) Either that or you'll join me on my journey and comment and let me know your own progress! :::hint hint:::

So, I had my weekly meeting with Laurie yesterday and once again my BP was completely normal. :) I'm thrilled about that! She was amazed that I'm not on BP meds...but that I've made this much change in it just by working out and eating right! :)

And...I lost another 2 lbs.....gone forever!! I was a teeny bit disappointed in that, only because I've been working SO hard, not missing my workouts and being careful about counting my calories. But Laurie was VERY pleased with me, and said it was exactly the way I am supposed to take it off, so YAY ME! ;) Then tonight I was talking with my friend Jessica and she pointed out something really cool....."Kim, do you realize that even if you lose 2 lbs a week for a whole year, you'll take off 104 lbs!!" Well, when you look at it that way, then.....WOOHOO!

Today was a good day, and tomorrow is another, so I'm ready to tackle it head on!!


tammy said...

One step at a time is my motto. Yours should be two pounds at a time..... ;o) Keep working it!! I am seriously considering my own thriver's journey...without the trainer and all. ;)

Greg C said...

I have stalled on my diet quest but I am still working out and feeling better. I ran 2.5 miles this morning before 6 am. Not too bad.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Hey, Kim. I used to be a WW Leader, and any more than 2 lbs a week is not good. You are doing it perfectly!