Monday, April 20, 2009


That's what I find my blogging comes in....waves. It really isn't an indication of how I'm doing, it's an indication of how busy my life is....and my priorities. Sorry...the blog is pretty far down on the list right now. And it's also about how creative I'm feeling, and I'm really not feeling the writing thing. Odd, because I'm DEFINITELY a talker! ;)

I've finally hit my 30 lbs off mark. BUT....I'm working, day by day, to NOT get caught up with the NUMBER! It's just a NUMBER! A number does NOT define me. The smaller sizes help me indicate more of how I'm doing. The way I FEEL is how I can tell how I'm doing. I'm making a point to stay focused on my goals....each and EVERY day. This is COMPLETELY becoming a lifestyle change for me. A LIFE change. It isn't a contest for me anymore. I just needed The Greatest Thriver to give me a kick start and an accountability and a good long look at how I was living with my addiction to food. Yep! I said ADDICTION! And I'm kickin' that addiction to the curb! And like most addictions, I have to CHOOSE to make the right choices and sometimes I fall....but the difference at this time in my life is that I get RIGHT back on and move FORWARD...not back.

Be TRUE to yourself. By making excuses you aren't hurting anyone but yourself. CHOOSE to live a healthy, guilt-free lifestyle of eating.....I am, and it sure is paying off!

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