Monday, November 24, 2008

Set a good example!

It has come to my attention that my Thriver Journey blog has been recommended for viewing as an example of journaling, sharing experiences, etc. Well, my fellow Thrivers, obviously I'm not so good at keeping up with my blog, because it's been 12 days since I've updated! UGH!

So here we are already into the week of Thanksgiving!

I'm going to pass along some great advice...given by my illustrious trainer!

This is a LIFEstyle change we're making. NOT a quick fix. We're changing bad habits that we've made over the course of several years, if not our entire lives, into good habits and it's going to take a while to do this.

Thanksgiving comes ONCE a year. Enjoy it! Don't gorge yourself, but allow yourself to taste all the amazing Thanksgiving food without ANY of the guilt. Have a piece of pumpkin pie! But have a smaller piece. Have some stuffing, but just have a couple of bites instead of a cup or two! (speaking from experience here!)

My plan is to eat a few less calories the day before and a few less the day will all balance out! I don't want to show a gain this week because of what I ate, but I'm also not going to feel guilty for one bit of it.

I'm thankful for SO much this year, but in regards to my new, healthy lifestyle....I'm incredibly thankful for The Greatest Thriver program. I don't know what is different for me this time, embracing the new habits, exercise, etc., but Thriver has given me the push I needed and Laurie (and Amber!!) encourages me every step of the way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

This picture was taken several weeks ago...

And this one was taken just last week...I can tell a difference, can you? :)

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